Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga
You've seen the images on Instagram. The yogi on a paddle-board, standing on their head, perfectly balanced in the middle of the lake. Daunting? Absolutely. But if you are up for a challenge, the yogis of the internet have passed on their wisdom to make yoga on a stand up paddle board an invigorating and strengthening workout.
Tip #1 - Anchor Your Board. When engaging in paddle board yoga, your focus should be on your breath and your movement, not concerns of drifting out into the deeper and unsafe waters. Keep your board anchored in the shallows and calm waters.
Tip #2 - Snack and Hydrate. While your board may be anchored, the natural rhythm of the water, combined with your movement on the board, can cause motion sickness. In order to have the most effective work out, have a small snack and plenty of water prior to leaving shore. Bringing your water bottle out on the water is always recommended, to avoid dehydration in the sunshine.
Tip #3 - Feel The Muscle Burn, Not The Sun Burn. Nothing will ruin your drive to practice yoga again than a nasty sun burn. Be sure to apply sunscreen to all exposed skin, checking that it is water-resistant and reef-safe to protect both yourself and your environment.
Tip #4 - Dress for Success. Wear clothing that will keep you comfortable in all poses. Keep in mind that while you may get a little wet, most yoga apparel is somewhat water resistant, so there is no need to heavily invest in 100% water resistant yoga clothing. Wear whatever clothing will allow you to stay the most focused on your movement, rather than fear of exposing yourself.
Tip #5 - Take Your Time To Learn. Some poses may work better on a paddle board than others, such as child's pose. Other poses may be modified for stability, or at least until you've become more practiced on balancing the paddle board. One modification that may be helpful in poses such as Crescent Lunch or Warrior is to keep the back knee bent for increased stability. A wider stance may help with maintaining balance, especially when waves appear.
Tip #6 - Experiment, Push Yourself. Remember that you are on water, so the soft landing lends itself towards experimenting with new poses! Poses such as the Wheel Pose or a Headstand look beautiful on a paddle board. The important thing to remember is to breathe, relax, and challenge yourself.
Tip #7 - Breathe. You may hold the utmost of your focus on keeping balanced, and out of the water. Remember that breathing will help maintain balance, and help make the poses feel more connected with the board. Focus on breathing more than balance, and trust your muscles to keep you upright. Keep in mind that should you fall, you have a soft landing into the refreshing water, embrace it.
Tip #8 - Keep It Safe. Remember that you are practicing on the water. Keep anchored to the shallows, or invest in a life jacket. Lightweight life jackets will allow you to practice safely, without impairing your range of movement. Always ensure you have a friend nearby who is aware of your activities, just in case.
Step onto the paddle board fearlessly this summer, and embrace the practice of yoga on water. Should you want some poses to start with, here are some initial poses to grow your balance and confidence on the board.